
Showing posts from June, 2022

Whose land do we live on here in Buckfield?

Hate groups in Maine

What's the deal with Stonewall?

Blackface: It's never okay

Must-watch #5: 13th

Must-watch #4: Just Mercy

Must-watch #3: Breonna Taylor: Say Her Name

Must-watch #2: The Underground Railroad

Must-watch #1: When They See Us

Intent vs. impact

Appreciation vs. appropriation: How can you tell?

The Abenaki and the Androscoggin River

What does racism look like?

Who was here first?

How diverse are your children's bookshelves?

Five Black LGBTQ2IA+ trailblazers

5 Tips for Being an Ally: Franchesca Ramsey

Panel discussion: Racism in Maine schools

One Year Anniversary