5 Tips for Being an Ally: Franchesca Ramsey

(This post originally appeared on our Facebook page on June 15, 2021.)

We’ve had some great feedback so far: Some of our community members would like to hear more about what we--every one of us--can DO to help our town be safer.

One answer: Each of us can individually show that we are committed to supporting our marginalized neighbors.

This quick video from Franchesca "Chescaleigh" Ramsey explains how.

There are two words in here that often trigger emotional responses, so let us help clarify them (these are the definitions in the video, and they’re simple and great). We’re not asking you to adopt them if you aren’t comfortable yet, just to understand how they are used in this video:

ally: a person who wants to fight for the rights of a marginalized group they’re not a part of

And this one, stick with us...

privilege: the idea that there are some things in life that you will not experience or ever have to think about just because of who you are

PRIVILEGE DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVEN’T STRUGGLED. It just means there are some things you don’t have to struggle with.

Please take three and a half minutes to watch this video. The five tips she covers are:

1. Understand your privilege
2. Listen and do your homework
3. Speak up, but not over
4. Realize that you’re going to make mistakes and apologize when you do
5. Remember that “ally” is a verb


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