American History, Unfiltered: Mark E. Dean
American History, Unfiltered: A post series highlighting people from traditionally marginalized groups who accomplished great things for America.

Black History Month may be over for the year, but Black history should be learned year round. 

Mark E Dean is an American inventor and computer engineer. He was part of the team that developed the ISA bus and he co-created the first IBM Personal Computer released in 1981. He holds three of IBM’s original nine PC patents and currently holds more than 20 total patents. 

In 1996, he was named an IBM Fellow, the first African-American ever to receive the honor. He was named Black Engineer of the Year in 1997 and 2000, and he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 1997. In 2001, he was tapped to be a member of the National Academy of Engineers.

Last Thursday was his 67th birthday, and what an incredible life he has been living. Happy belated Birthday, Mark E. Dean! And thank you for helping to bring computers to our lives.  


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