American History, Unfiltered: Kurt Chew-Een Lee

American History, Unfiltered:A post series highlighting people from traditionally marginalized groups who accomplished great things for America.

🌍🌺 Happy Asian American Pacific Islander Month! 🌺🌍

Kurt Chew-Een Lee was the first Asian American officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. 

He faced a lot of prejudice among his fellow Marines, who called him a “Chinese laundry man” behind his back and questioned his ability to kill Chinese soldiers. 

Prepared to die an honorable death, he continually put himself at risk to protect his unit; eventually proving his loyalty and winning over these fellow Marines. 

He fought in many wars and received the Navy Cross (the second-highest honor a Marine can receive), the Silver Star, and two Purple Hearts. 

His military career was truly fascinating and full of tales of courage. There are books and documentaries out there that recall Major Lee’s acts of bravery through history.


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