American History, Unfiltered: Antonia Novello

American History, Unfiltered:A post series highlighting people from traditionally marginalized groups who accomplished great things for America.

“I believe that fortitude is key. More than anything, be consistent. Go at it. Go at it. Go at it. When you succeed, don’t forget the responsibility of making somebody else succeed with you.” These wise words, and we are sure many more, were spoken by the person we are learning about today. 

On March 9, 1990, Antonia Novello was sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor to serve as the 14th Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service. She was both the first woman and the first Hispanic person to serve as United States Surgeon General. Yes, you read that right, neither a woman nor a Hispanic person had been the Surgeon General until 33 years ago. To this day, there have still only been 3 women, while 16 men have been sworn in.

Her focus during this time was to educate the public on health matters such as smoking, AIDS, diet and nutrition, environmental health hazards, and the importance of immunization and disease prevention.

In 1999 she was nominated to become the 13th New York State Health Commissioner, where her focus was raising the awareness of domestic violence and leading efforts for national legislation. 

After Hurricane MarĂ­a, she worked with the National Guard medical force and the U.S. Army to establish community medical clinics in the center of the island. They gave medications, resources, and cots. Additionally, she was helpful in setting up mental health clinics with the assistance of medical students of UCC and the National Guard.

During the COVID pandemic, she became the spokesperson and public health advocate for prevention of spreading the virus. 

It’s clear from all this information that she has dedicated her life to keeping the public healthy in any way she can. A true everyday hero.


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