American History, Unfiltered: Steven Shih Chen

American History, Unfiltered: A post series highlighting people from traditionally marginalized groups who accomplished great things for America.

Today we highlight Steven Chen, Taiwanese-American Internet entrepreneur who is one of the co-founders and previous chief technology officer of none other than one of America’s favorites; YouTube! YouTube has been a huge part of most Americans' lives since it came out in the early 2000’s, when Steven Chen was not even 30 years old. 

Next time you open a video there, you can think of Steven Chen. After all, where would we be if we couldn’t watch Cookie Monster singing chocolate rain about a thousand times? 

Jokes aside though, some of us use YouTube as quite an educational tool and hub of information. It’s been an incredible asset to our daily lives. 

Thank you Steven Chen!

If you’re interested in his story, please check click the link to an interview with him. Ironically, you can watch it on YouTube.


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