American History, Unfiltered: Rebecca Lee Crumpler

American History, Unfiltered: A post series highlighting people from traditionally marginalized groups who accomplished great things for America.

Rebecca Lee Crumpler was the first Black woman to earn a medical degree in the United States. Despite the entrenched prejudice against women and people of color in medicine, her passion to help sick people drove her to work hard and become a leader. Black doctors were needed during her time, in the 1800’s, because white doctors often would not care for Black people, leaving them to seek care from healers, who were natural nurturers but untrained in formal medical education. 

Rebecca paved the way for other Black women in their pursuit of medical careers and became an inspiration for many to follow their dreams. She was also the author of “A Book of Medical Discourses , in two parts”. She was truly a pioneer and a remarkable woman. 


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