Election ‘22 voter guide: RSU 10 new school warrant

On November 8th, Buckfield voters, as well as voters from the other six towns in RSU #10, will re-vote on a warrant approving a new state-funded pre-K to grade 8 school to be built in Mexico. 

The warrant language is as follows:
"Do you favor authorizing the School Board of Regional School Unit No. 10 (the “RSU”) to issue bonds or notes in the name of the RSU for school construction purposes in an amount not to exceed $91,804,512 (the “Bonds”) to construct and equip a new PreK-8 elementary school at the site of the current Mountain Valley Middle School and Meroby Elementary School in the Town of Mexico (the “Project”)?"
For details--and an explanation of why we're voting on this again--please see the digital flyer below as well as this public post from one of our school board members.


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