Happy Non-Binary Day!

(This post originally appeared on our Facebook page on National Nonbinary Day, July 14, 2021.)

Happy International Non-Binary Day!

Source: Wikimedia Commons

We believe a lot more people would identify as non-binary if they were more aware of what it means.

Non-binary refers to a range or spectrum of genders outside the binary genders of male and female. People who identify as non-binary simply don’t identify fully as a man or woman. Many are genderfluid and can feel more feminine or masculine day to day. Many never feel feminine or masculine at all.

A common misconception with non-binary people is that they have to dress and/or look a certain way. You do not have to look androgynous to identify as non-binary. Most non-binary people find it freeing not to conform to any gender rules and just choose articles of clothing based on what they truly like and what feels comfortable for them.

Also non-binary people can choose to label themselves as transgender or not. Technically the non-binary label can fall under the trans umbrella and the white in the trans flag covers this gender spectrum, however it is completely up to each individual how they choose to identify this way.

In addition, non-binary people do not have to use any specific pronouns. They don’t have to be they/them. They can use any pronouns they want. She/they, he/they, they/she, they/he, he/she/they. Or just she or he. Or just they. Whatever feels comfortable. And it’s our job to respect the pronouns they’ve chosen and support them any way we can.


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