Alphabet of discrimination: Letter E–Equity vs. equality (vs. liberation)

One day, a member of our community asked a member of Equity Buckfield “What’s happening in our country right now that’s so bad? Give me one example.” Our member thought to themself, “I could probably think of something for every letter of the alphabet.” And so they did.

What is the difference between equity and equality? 

This slide, from a vocabulary presentation by our friends at Western Maine AREA, defines both terms:

The concept is similar to the idea that "what is fair is not always what is equal".

This graphic from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation illustrates an excellent analogy for how equality and equity might look:


Here is another recent example via @doriecp on Twitter:

We are Equity Buckfield because we support seeing, hearing and recognizing the unique needs of marginalized people and groups in our community to promote the same outcomes for all.

Equity isn't the endgame, though--we want to rethink and rebuild our systems in a way that considers and meets the needs of all people:

We hope you'll join us.


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