Alphabet of discrimination: Letter B–Banking and birth control

One day, a member of our community asked a member of Equity Buckfield “What’s happening in our country right now that’s so bad? Give me one example.” Our member thought to themself, “I could probably think of something for every letter of the alphabet.” And so they did.

One of the many ways our country discriminates against people of color is in banking. This link brings you to a great article on the topic. To summarize, there are 41 financial institutions for every 100,000 people in white areas compared with 27 in non-white areas.

Additionally, the account balance requirements are normally higher in non-white areas. The average minimum balance in non-white areas is $871, compared with a minimum balance of $626 for white areas.

Birth control

Court rulings pertaining to American's rights to birth control coverage don't initially seem like an issue specific to LGBTQIA+ communities. However, as this article points out,  SCOTUS's rulings in Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania and Trump v. Pennsylvania set a concerning precedent for the court's support of religious discrimination against LGBTQIA+ people.

Read more about these cases here and here.


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